30 January 2019

Dear child had a good school report. The school recognise that his
reading and maths are good. He has to work on his handwriting though.

We heard about someone in the year below dear child, in the nursery.
They are the only English speaking child in a class of children who
hardly speak English. Most of them are from families which migrated to
England a few years ago.

There is nothing wrong in migrating, there is something wrong though in
not integrating. In this case, the English speaking child gets so lonely
throughout the day and has no social contact that he is in tears at
pickup. This is not fair for that child. The school teachers don't step
in and enforce any 'English only' time.

Given how quickly English people are labelled racist hearing news like
this is frustrating and making a mockery of the open system we have. To
a large extent it threatens this way of life as the playing field is
obviously not equal.