24 July 2017

Today I had to get to work a bit later than normal because I spotted a leak behind the toilet. We cannot get the water turned off at the street stop-cock as the component has become unreliable.

We cannot turn the water off in the kitchen as that has seized.

When we flush the toilet the water comes back up the toilet bowl and floods out the back. Dear wife has found a container that can go behind the toilet. The question in my mind though is, why have the toilet and sisten separated?

Dear wife has an appointment at the hospital soon to look at a lump in her breast. I’m really scared as she has said it is very painful. I’m really not sure what I’d do without her. It’s creating a lot of tension in the house and the last thing I want to do is explain to dear child why dear wife is poorly. His life will be terrible without dear wife. I spend too much time on the computer as I want to stay up to date and continually have to reinvent my head so that I can keep up.

Dear child didn’t ask for this, dear wife didn’t and I certainly didn’t. Dear wife is too young to go through this. It’s far too scary. I’m too old to go through this. Dear child shouldn’t have to.