06 June 2017

Dear child was not at nursery yesterday, dear wife had to take him to the dentist as it was an inset day, and so, he was at the window, excited to watch the bin men collecting and emptying all the wheelie bins in the road.

The bin men were, as always working hard to empty the bins and took ours and each neighbours in turn working as a single efficient machine, until they go to the idiot two doors down.

The neighbour had put some car parts on the recycle bin lid, the bin man didn’t know that the general waste bin and the recycle were linked by an umbrella. Why would he? Why 'should' he?

Upon pulling the general bin, the recycle bin was nudged and the car parts fell. At this, the idiot neighbour then started pushing and knocked the bin man over to the ground. This caused dear child to shout "why is he pushing the man, that’s wrong, he shouldn’t do that". Dear wife was confused by this and looked out of the window. After a few seconds the bin man was up and started marching towards idiot neighbour, who, once again, started to retreat.

This is so wrong. The bin man probably didn’t do anything else by fear of loosing his job for fighting.