19 May 2016

This morning I was woken by our dear child in his bedroom counting to 24, missing only one or two numbers along the way. Quite an achievement.

Today was the day that I had to go to the Job Centre in town. I had an appointing for 12:50 to be there. Strangely when I arrive I am told that the appointment is in fact for 13:00 but the call centre read the appointment times out for 10 minutes earlier than they should be. Also the interviewer was on lunch until 13:00.

They told me that I need to come back in a week to actually sign on. That will be the third time that I will have been there. All very odd. Seems those who pay tax their whole lives do not know how the system works.

Spent a lot of time in the garden tidying up a few month’s worth of weeds. Quite arduous work, but it needs to be done as weeds are around waist height.

Tonight when putting dear child to bed we heard some commotion outside. The adjacent neighbours don’t have a car at the moment, the parking plonkers two doors up the road seem to have taken liberty and store their wheelie bin in the road directly outside our direct neighbours. What plonkers. What ignorant plonkers they are.