16 January 2014

Tonight, I’ve got the roast in the oven and done the washing up at the same time. Not bad. To put it another way, the wsahing up took so long that I’ve managed to fit a roast dinner into the same window.

A good person gave us a compartmentalised baby milk container. So we can put three servings into the one pot and tip each out in a single go. A very helpful tool to keep in your baby changing tool bag.

Today I have decided that children should have plain clothes. There is no need for silly slogans, pictures or anything else. Society should not produce gender specific clothes. I think people get inaccurate ultra sound gender predictions and go out and fill their homes with the wrong clothes. Sad story. Get gender neutral plain clothes and they’ll last longer as you’ll stop being bothered by stains, you’ll even find it less painful when your child out grows them as you’ll be less attached.