06 December 2014

Last night I decided as a treat I’d watch some telly. Then, when I turned the raspberry pi off I noticed there was a film on E4+1, Skyline. What a weird film. I think around 23:45 it finished I was past tired, but it was unusual. Tomorrow (Saturday) has a dry forecast, which is great as the nights are long and the days are short, there’s little time to get the coop finished before Christmas, but tomorrow is hopeful.

Around 00:30 the pager went off. Something had failed. I don’t remember what but off I go downstairs to take a look on the computer. I booted up debian, watched systemd do its thing, then logged in. It’s freezing cold. Looks like a data centre has lost power.

What a shitstorm. The customer is rushing around to get their systems back online, we’re rushing around to get our systems back online. Some systems are failing to boot. There’s processes failing to come back online and the customer wants a conference call.

It took around five hours to fix the problems and finally got to bed around 0530. So what happened to that early start to do some work on the coop? Zapped by oncall, that’s where it went.

Around 11:30 I get a call from the customer wanting to make some changes to the site configuration, which I carry out. Then around 12:00 I get a call from someone in our management wanting to get some information on the power situation.

Eventually around 13:00 I get to go into the garden with the wife to hold some bits of the coop for me whilst I screw them together. It was during this time that I hear the crazy neighbour complaining to her husband about our car being parked outside their house for around five days.

Yes, the parking problem they created is the one that they’re not arguing between themselves about. How pathetically stupid.