07 October 2013

We had problems with the baby putting on weight. The health visitor was making remarks about baby not getting enough food. This concerned us greatly so we thought we should get something to keep a close check on the weight situation.

To do this we bought an electronic babyscale and kept the results in a text file. The file was set out in the following format:

2013-10-04      2.912
2013-10-07      2.678

This can then be fed into gnuplot using the following plot file:

set term png size 1280,768 font "sans-serif"
set output "weights.png"
set autoscale xfix
set grid
set style data points
set pointsize 1
set key Left width 3 height 0.5 spacing 1.5 reverse box

set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"

set format y "%.2f"

set ylabel "Weight (kg)"

plot "dear_child_weights" using 1:2 title "data points" with linespoints